Quartz Module - meeting minutes 5/28/2009 Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The project kickoff meeting was held today. Justin and I agreed to follow the following iterations. Iteration end point was set to 30th(Sunday) May.

  • Create new basic module for quartz scheduler
  • Commit quartzscheduler module to the svn repository
  • Make module deployable in OpenMRS 1.5
  • Integrate code and configuration that has already been written into the new module
  • Allow user to schedule a simple hello world task to write a message to the log on some interval
Looks kind of simple for the moment. But lets see where this take us.

These iterations will be based on the initial mockups and the project proposal i submitted before starting the project.
The proposed mockups and initial project plan is available here:

Minor UI changes will be made to the create/edit Task page which i will post here shortly.

Girls in Motor Bikes Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You don't always get to see girls riding motor bikes in SL. When you do, its rather interesting to watch that awesome scene. Today I got to watch not one, But two girls riding motor bikes. It was really a funny thing to watch. Both of them were so careful, that they couldn't overtake the vehicle in front of them. Ok thats being careful (being obedient riders). The best part came when they were switching lanes. I saw one them looking back all the time (thats dangerous ah!). After awhile i figured it out!!. She was looking behind to see whether any vehicle was coming from back for her to switch the lane. I mean "What the book"?? Why do you have side mirrors in a bike?

GSoC2009 - Quartz Module Updates Sunday, May 24, 2009

Official GSoC development started on the 23rd. i was able to accomplish a lot of things during the community bonding period. some of them follows:

  • Get the openmrs environment setup for development.
  • Had a mentor-mentee meeting to discuss ToDos before the project starts.
  • Looked into the current scheduler service and get an understanding on how it works.
  • Did some extensive research on Quartz scheduler framework.
  • Basic test development on quartz's different scheduling types.
Because an initial proposal was given, I think itll be easier for me to discuss it with Justin and start work from there having it as a base. Really excited to do some real work in the coming days.

Quartz Module - meeting minutes 5/7/2009 Saturday, May 9, 2009

In the first discussion with my mentor (Justin). the following were discussed and decisions were made:

  • The need of migrating the current scheduler service to a module.
  • To integrate the current scheduler service to a module in the following weeks.
  • How to keep track of the project progress.
  • Documenting.

Vesak Friday, May 8, 2009

Wesak being one of the most important days for Buddhists, my friends and I had a coffee Alms giving (dansala) for the 7th consecative year. We offered free coffee to travelers who were on their way to watch the Wesak glory in the city. Usually it rains every Wesak day. Drinking a hot coffee made everyone fresh and warm to make there way to see the pandols.

After finishing the Alms giving process. We too went into the city too see Wesak at its glory. We walked for 5.32miles on foot. The route we took is shown here. We were so full when we arrived home after attending to other Alms Giving places put together by other Buddhists.

How to call Onload() on pressing browser back button Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lets say there was a scenario where you have a registration process which has sevaral pages. And you want to expire a page if the user clicks the browsers back button in the middle of the registration process. This issue came because firefox saved webpage data in its browser cache. So whenever the user hits the back button, data will be loaded from the browser cache instead of getting it directly from the server-side.

I saw in a lot of places where people have suggested to use metadata tags to tell the browser to disable html caching. most often use matatags are displayed below.

META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">

but non of these worked for firefox. I can tell you that for IE6 and IE7 the above tags works fine.

Seaching the net for hours, i finally found a solution. Its calling the javascript unload() function in everypage where i want to call OnLoad() when i click back button.

The javaScript code to use is:
window.onunload = function dummy(){};

And i used browser cookies validate the page expiration.
You can see a complete demonstration by downloading the file below: